Coordinated Cognitive Journeys
Cohort YEG-GA [Num. 1 22:03] and X.Z. Like Travel
After she graduated from the Edmonton Public School system, XZ obtained both a BComm and an MBA from the University of Alberta School of Business. She now is intimately involved in the coordination of programs for International Students, a feature of her current journeys buttressed by her affinity for cultural diverse environments found Worldwide. XZ is also a careful student of communications strategies and the value of social media for advanced educational programs.
The Cohort YEG-GA subseries, a close relative of the #CNote carvings seen elsewhere in Project Y150 YEG-GA, is derived from a piece of Turkish marble “upcycled” from a home renovation in Edmonton. This carving is one the first of small legion of "mobile micro monuments" developed within the larger thematic context of sustainability and a new Homeglen School of One Project called #CSustainable. Cohort YEG-GA #1 is dedicated to female coordinators of cohort programs for International Education in Canada, especially those of them who maintain interests in jazz, fashion, food, music and animal welfare.
Account Received: June 13, 2017
Upcycled Old Stratchcona Journey
Garneau, Edmonton, May 11, 2017. 3° /0°.
This photo was taken the day after the Oilers were eliminated from the playoffs. I was feeling particularly sad about it, but the weather was gorgeous so I decided to grab a photo. I wanted to remember the awesome feeling of being able to share in our team’s triumphs as a whole city, after over 10 years of disappointment. The blue skies were a reminder that even though the playoff run was over, that there were brighter days ahead.