Walking Backwards on the #Peripatetic Carousel
Hidden w/in Plain Site: About this #Peripatetic Page
This page is a deliberative effort that arranges tweets into a cohesive e-Public archive, one that also follows an original memory-stream narrative composed by the School of One Carver. This page is one of four pages that will inform a larger "History of the Tweet" Gallery comprised of different types of "tweetorical forms" which will appear on the Homeglen School of One site soon. That unexpected project, in part, stems from the School of One's acknowledgment that tweets are now an intrinsic part of "living history" in our times and constitute a new form of historical record recognized by the courts and governments. The Carver further contends that tweets are also consistent with much older traditions stemming from the "Art of Memory" as well as well-worn rhetorical techniques that marshalled image and narrative "to move" people. The "train of thought" or "day dreaming" experiences of the Carver found below engage facets of poetry, social commentary (within the framework of "viñetas") and an "image-centric" research agenda directed towards an appreciation of the movement of light and the complexities of the "digital spectrum". "Walking Backwards on the #Peripatetic Carousel" will continue to be hidden from the normal navigation categories of the Homeglen School of One site until a complete History of the Tweet project is ready to be unveiled in an early future. Nevertheless, this page will still be accessible through Twitter or via a simple search of #Peripatetic Carousel online, and the Carver hopes that you will bring some of your own treasured memories along with you during your next visit should you decide to return.
Train Departs @ #1 (& To quote Mr. Ruffins from NOLA): ALL ABOARD!
now That you have punched your Ticket, Just click on the Images to make them Move
And Upon Arrival...
Given that the content of this page constitutes another routine form of a "new" historical record, it is not particularly remarkable except for the extraordinary kindness of collaborators and strangers that made it possible. Five of the images used for the tweets I sculpted for the first carousel are the handiwork of collaborators (two from the UK, one from Japan, one from Peru, and another from Edmonton) while many of the tweets themselves are, most definitely, inspired by the fabulous insights articulated by other travellers within the peripatetic hashtag. There is no doubt that the tweets for the first carousel situated above (like all historical records) have lost an enormous amount of value once they were removed from their original electronic "social media" milieu. I also included two tweets ("Dreamers" and "Glass Pyramid") that did not appear in the hashtag within the "train narrative" seen above due to the influence and association "the peripatetic crowd" had upon the production of those modest efforts. In addition to providing me with the opportunity to revisit vexing questions regarding memory as it was envisioned by Spanish imperial alumbrados, 18th-century "sensationalists", and, indeed, suggested within the Homeric Wisdom of Vico, I have learned an enormous amount about the "movement of light and words that move" because of the thoughtful and generous artists who share their peripatetic cognitive journeys towards an appreciation of Different. This also explains why I dedicate this page to those enduring electronic travellers in our times who continue to guard and listen to the whispering hearts of dreamers. . . w/THX - - The Carver.